Nuggets is a frictionless way to give consumers better security and privacy – beyond the default required for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

It minimises regulatory and compliance exposure, because you don’t have to store customers’ personal information. You can also use an automated process to onboard merchants remotely to our trustless verified network.

With Nuggets, you can offer an omnichannel shopping experience that builds loyalty and increases revenue. It’s packed with innovative features – like not having to give away all your card details over the phone.

The benefits

With Nuggets, you can offer protection for risk management, fraud, false positives and chargebacks, while accepting payments on credit and debit cards.

Reduce fraud

Cut fraud

$24.26 billion lost to card and identity fraud worldwide in 2018

Reduce false positives

Cut false positives

$331 billion lost or passed up through false positives worldwide in 2018

Reduce fraudulent chargebacks

Cut fraudulent chargebacks

These make up 42% of retail fraud losses

Single sign-on biometrics

Single sign-on with biometrics

One biometric verification. No more usernames or passwords at any level

Secure payment methods

Simple, secure payments

Customers can use various methods, including credit and debit cards or cryptocurrency. Without handing over personal data

Offer incentives

Loyalty rewards & value

Customers earn rewards and value when they choose to share data with you

More transactions

More transactions

Trusted and verified transactions mean more payments go through, with more peace of mind for you

Verified two way communication

Verified two-way communication

Customers can be assured you’re genuine, and can confirm their identity to you

Agnostic and cross-platform


Available on Android and iOS, and across mobile, desktop and multiplatform

No more risk assessment and credit checks

No more risk assessments and credit checks

Nuggets users build up a trusted profile as they complete transactions. This proves they’re good actors in the network, and their payment methods are good

Minimise regulatory and compliance exposure

Minimise regulatory and compliance exposure

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Simple integration

Simple integration

Easy and secure API and Container integration

Immutable record of transactions with security and privacy protection

Immutable record of transactions, while protecting security and privacy

You no longer have to question or prove transactions

Removal of insecure 2FA

No more insecure 2FA

Do away with weak password, SMS and email verifications

Secure Trust-less Network

Secure trustless network

All participants are verified, and a reputation network

White label Apps and services

White label apps and services

Integrate easily with existing products and systems

Remote and automated onboarding of verified merchants

Onboard verified merchants

Save time and money with automated remote onboarding

mPos with NFC, QR Code and audio signal

mPos with NFC, QR Code and audio signal

No need to pass card details online, in store and over the phone

Merchant and PSP hold own private key

Merchant and PSP private keys

Secure and private verified communication and authorisation

No personal information held by Merchant or PSP

No databases, no data breaches

As a merchant or PSP, you’re saved the risk and cost of storing customer data

Age Verification

Age Verification

Verify and validate customers' age

Open Banking

End-to-end Encryption

No possibility of a man-in-the-middle attack


Open Standards

Through the use of open standards W3C Verifiable Credentials (VCs), Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), DIDComm Messaging (DIDComm), Key Event Receipt Infrastructure (KERI). Nuggets truly enables global interoperability as a Self-Sovereign ID (SSI).

Strong Customer Authentication

Verified Identity and Payment for PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication on every transaction, beyond
the baseline

Inherence (something a user is)

Verification by inherence (something a user is)

Using device biometrics to verify identity

Possession (something a user possesses)

Verification by possession (something a user has)

Using ownership of private key signing to verify a trusted device, app and identity

Beyond the baseline

Beyond the baseline

Every payment, big or small, is covered by multi-factor authentication: private key, stored ID elements and reputation